Data change tracking in Dynamics 365: advanced features in Microsoft solution

February 19, 2025 5:00 PM
(GMT+2), Central European Time
30 minutes

Is your support team overwhelmed by a high volume of requests? Are lengthy searches through standard database logs delaying error resolution, breaching SLAs, and frustrating users?

Introducing Advanced Database Log (ADBL) – A powerful tool designed for end users and support team members for efficient change tracking, data analysis, enhanced log usability, and significantly reducing incident response times.

Small and medium-sized businesses can see an ROI of 150-300% within three years. ADBL reduces labor costs by 20-30% while enhancing SLA performance and delivery timelines.

Reasons to visit the webinar

  1. Discover how to streamline Root Cause Analysis (RCA) in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management
  2. Explore real-world business cases highlighting the common challenges faced by users and support teams when working with the standard database log
  3. An exclusive offer for implementing ADBL to boost your support efficiency and performance

In this session, we will discuss

  • All changes in a single document are displayed in one form
  • The ADBL form contains information, even about deleted lines
  • Instant search is available for any field in the Advanced Log form
  • Adding or removing user roles is also logged in ADBL

Our workshop will be interesting for

Our workshop will be especially valuable for IT directors, managers, CIOs, CDOs, ERP managers, and all roles responsible for achieving IT-driven business success.


Lana Beloš
Global Marketing Lead, N.Progression
Nastasja Dostanic
Microsoft Dynamics 365 SCM Consultant
Peter Kulikov
Head of Microsoft Dynamics 365 SCM and Business Architect
We look forward to seeing you there!

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